Friday, January 26, 2007

PDA meeting 1.26.07


Board of Directors Meeting

January 25, 2007
Jamestown Community Center
1:00 p.m.

Board Members: Katherine Baril, Herb Beck, Dick Coram, Larry Crockett, Bill Elliott, Lawrence Graves, Bill Hannan, Marny Hannan, Marlin Holden, Tony Ingersoll, Jacob Jackson, Bob Lawrence, Laurie Medlicott, Will Purser, Linda Rotmark, David Sullivan

PDA Staff: Teri Martin

Guest: Patti Morris, Margaret Maxwell,


The meeting was called to order by President Medlicott at 1:00 p.m. All attendees introduced themselves.


The minutes were approved as submitted. A motion was made by Bill Hannan and seconded by Will Purser to accept them. The motion passed.


Dick Coram has been attending the PDA meetings regularly for several years as a non-voting member of the Board while he was an employee of the State of WA CTED. He has now retired and would like to continue to serve as a member of the board in a voting capacity. A motion was made by Herb Beck and seconded by Marny Hannan to accept Dick as a voting member of the Board. The motion passed.


Linda updated the Board on actions taken on the grant deliverables since the last meeting. A written report was distributed to all the Board members in attendance. Highlights of the report were:

1. Completed and submitted a mid-year report to the EDA office (see attached).
2. Held a regularly scheduled Clallam netWorks Steering Committee meeting with the grant deliverables as part of the agenda’s topics (see attached).
3. Met with Joint Marketing (Clallam and Jefferson) on January 4 to talk about grant possibilities. They were going to discuss further and forward ideas for projects, etc. Also discussed their prioritization process. (see attached follow up email)
4. Attended planning/organizational meetings on Thursday, January 18th in Jefferson County:
• Lawrence Graves, President of Jefferson EDC, to collaborate on grant activities.
• Le Hornbeck, Port Townsend Computers and EDC vice president, who will be the technology cluster contact in Jefferson County.
o Identified and sent out email invitations to identified regional industry representatives for a meeting to be held on January 30 or February 7.
o Have been receiving confirmations from interested participants.
• Katherine Baril, WSU Extension, the agriculture cluster contact who will assist a joint meeting in March.
• Bob Lawrence, Peninsula College, and Katherine will partner on a joint Education Cluster meeting in February and will facilitate a video conferencing option for those unable to attend due to travel issues.
• Margaret Maxwell, Director of Diversified Resources, met with Clallam Steering Committee representatives and Mark Jochem, Shoreline Marine Diesel, Inc. and Jay Brevik, Lee Shore Boats, Inc., to discuss grant (both state and federal) and joint meeting with Clallam Marine Services co-chairs.
o Emailed Leonard Beil and Orville Campbell, Clallam Marine Services Chairs to extend invitation for a joint meeting.
o Clallam co-chairs responded and will be setting up a meeting in February.
o Disseminated marine services cluster survey to chairs. Jefferson’s Marine Trades Association will probably be able to complete up to 30+ surveys through their association’s membership. (see attached)
• Met with John Fischbach, Jefferson County Administrator and Al Scalf, Jefferson County DCD, to update county on Marine Services cluster activities.
• Jefferson County EDC board has met several times to discuss, process, and coordinate efforts with Clallam netWorks for grant deliverables.

Bill Hannan said he was pleased with the progress made on the regional effort


Discussion about having EDA representatives attend a meeting. Laurie asked Teri about protocol with regards to the extending invitations to attend a PDA meeting. Teri responded that an invitation had been extended. Bettye was unable to attend and no response was received from Archie. Laurie said that she and Bill were going to go over to Seattle to meet. It was then suggested that maybe each of the EDCs would be involved as well.

Larry Crockett said that the Port of Bremerton contacted him regarding two bills 1372 (House bill) 5339 Senate Bill – A letter of support is being sent supporting these two bills. What is being proposed is to include port districts in the same RCW 67.28 (now only counties and cities) to participate in tourism in all respects (running facilities like hotels, etc.). Generated in Bremerton by Appleton. Larry said a letter of support from the City of Sequim or the EDC may be useful.

Bill said that a presentation was made at the WPPA meeting.

Herb said that the biggest thing about these bills is that it gives a regional partnership for projects.

Laurie said she is interested in the tribal partnership. She wondered whether the PDA might become more involved with the tribes. Marlin said he wasn’t sure how to answer that question. Marlin said that what he had noticed was there was a gap between how organizations such as the PDA and the tribes worked.

Katherine mentioned the meeting we had last week and mentioned that possibly at each meeting a guest speaker be invited to speak to issues that involve our cluster groups. Laurie thought that was a good idea.

Laurie suggested that 20 minutes of each of our meetings be set aside to address issues that are common to both counties.

Bob asked about a re-write of Bylaws. He mentioned calling into a meeting versus attendance. Larry said he is reviewing and working on them.

Bill mentioned the idea of post-polling in event of non-quorum. This needs to be put in the bylaws. Katherine mentioned that making it easier is not the right way to go.

Teri asked about monthly vs quarterly. There was discussion. Tony would like to see the PDA/RCD meetings together. It was felt that the long length between quarterly meetings makes it more difficult to keep conversations going. Bob suggested keeping the monthly meetings going until the end of this grant award.

Conference call capability was added as a suggestion.

Bill suggests that the EDA be advised of the date we have our next meeting. Tony said the next meeting of the RCD is March 29th. Linda said that Joint Marketing has some projects they are going to bring to the PDA.

Will Purser suggested that bimonthly meetings would work well.

Laurie said that she agrees with Bob and feels we should meet monthly at least through April or May.

Bill asked Marlin about using this room. He said he would check.

Last Thursday in February at 1:00 p.m. is the date we will plan on. Bill will check with Bettye on EDA availability.

Bob mentioned the LEAN manufacturing/office brunch. He explained what Lean is.
February 26 from 9 to Noon at the College. Bob distributed a flyer. He also invited the PDA board to attend.

Linda talked about the Joint Marketing group meeting and how they understood the regional partnering. She said Diane has asked for next steps for projects. Linda said that coming to the PDA for support. How are we going to act? Is there an evaluation criteria?

Bill said the projects needs to fit in the CEDS document. The groups don’t have to come to PDA but having them come through here lends support and strengthens the grant when it gets to the EDA. We need to come up with criteria.

Linda mentioned we need to look at the CEDS to make sure it is in line with what we are working on. CEDS subcommittee?

Criteria/Process subcommittee volunteers – Katherine Baril, Linda Rotmark, Bill Hannan, Lawrence Graves. The sub-committee will report at February meeting.

Next meeting – to be determined.

ADJOURN – 2:12 p.m.

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